Is PHP Dead?

Is PHP Dead?

Fun Fact: PHP's mascot elephant is named "Elephpant".

Recently, different programming languages have been rising in popularity and crowned as the best language by people. With the growing trend of languages like Python and JavaScript, PHP has been hidden from the spotlight. There doesn't seem to be much talk about PHP nowadays.

There are a lot of memes regarding PHP on the internet that troll the language for its unpredictability, sloppy syntax and much more. But considering the fact that over 70% of the internet pages are powered by PHP, it is quite wrong to state that PHP is dead.

Furthermore, since PHP is open source, it contains a lot of potential for improvement. With its large community of developers, you can quickly get solutions for your errors.

At the end of the day, PHP is actually not bad and worth a try if you're getting started or just exploring new languages. Show Elephpant some love.